Made Possible with Science and the Forgotten Half of the Harvest
The most abundant thing grown on farms is not the 'product' as conventionally understood: the grain, the bean, the seed, the tuber. Rather, it's the side streams: the cobs, husks, hulls, stems, stalks. There's around twice as much of this produced around the world every year than all the grain, bean, seed, sugar and starch combined.

Unlike the 'product' - which is high calorie/glycemic, has all emissions contributed to it, and is the minority of the crop - the 'side stream' is low calorie/glycemic, has no emissions contributed to it, and is the majority of the crop.
Using agricultural side streams is the most scalable way we have of making healthier, more sustainable and more abundant food.
On average, 2/3 of everything that's grown on farms doesn't enter our food system

How we Develop New Products
We create new ingredients by connecting the dots between diverse scientific fields to create completely new insights that more constrained perspectives don't see.
We target bulk volume ingredient categories that show really impactful opportunities for health and environmental improvement at scale. We then follow iterative cycles of data, botany, biology, manufacturing, nutrition and application science assessments to build new ingredients.
While building toward large-scale use of our ingredients across industries, we always ensure we can build supply chains that can deliver on day one.

Raw Material Selection and Collection
We build our ingredient concepts on the back of hugely abundant agricultural side streams like stems, stalks, husks and cobs. These materials are largely underutilised and often completely wasted. Because they're derived from these materials, our ingredients have the unique potential to be healthier, more sustainable and more abundant than the status quo.
The materials are sourced from farmyards, forests and food facilities, cleaned and then ground down into manageable chunks so that the fiber inside is easily accessible.

Ingredient Manufacturing
We use different steps to turn the agricultural side streams into final ingredients, depending on the particular application.
Our flagship ingredient, Sugars from Fiber, is created by using enzymes from fungi to break down the long chains of sugars found in fiber in the agricultural side streams. After cleaning and drying we create a blend which we call Sugars from Fiber and can use across food products to replace cane sugar.

Product Formulation
Finally, we work out the best ways to use the ingredients in food formulations. We're focused on creating the best tasting experience, having the greatest impact on health and making biggest steps toward a sustainable world.
By optimising recipes we make things as easy as possible for our customers to incorporate our ingredients into their products.